Our Roots

As avid outdoors lovers and frequent hand washers, we were frustrated with the overly greasy hand creams on the market, so we decided to make one that would both protect and repair, without any B.S.

Test batch after test batch, we trail tested different recipes with friends, family, and outdoor guides.

The result is an effective and simple moisturizing salve that delivers the hydration and protection that hard working hands deserve.

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our mission is to

Keep it Simple

Made with 5 ingredients or less, our hand salve is made with beeswax and is toxin-free so that you don't have to overthink your skin care route, whether you are forest bathing or bombing class 5 rapids.

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The Results

Protect + Repair

Our unique recipe serves as an easily applicable barrier that protects skin from the elements, and repairs damaged skin by helping keep important moisture intact.

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